The newborn child is not ugly, but these two people have no scruples to say it.

"You really guessed it," Ling Si said at night and looked at the child curiously. He had stopped crying and was sleeping quietly.
"I knew it must be a man who saw the magic way and had to go out." Essence said it was urgent and had no sense of belonging to the magic way root.
"What’s the name?" Ling Si still stared at the child at night. It seems that it is not so ugly. The nose is very similar to him, and the mouth is like a mold.
"Didn’t you say let him be sensible and take it himself?" Ling Si said at night, hastily feeding the essence and finally being able to hold the child.
Yeah, but I don’t know. I’m afraid I’ll hurt him when I’m heavy, but I’m afraid I’ll lose him when I’m light
Hesitate to follow suit
"Stupid, dragging his head with one hand and embracing with the other," said Essence.
"How do you understand?" Ling siye asked
"Nonsense can be understood naturally when you are a mother!" Essence immediately retorted.
Ling Si night was carefully holding the small Si night head in the palm and holding his little body in one hand, and finally holding it up.
"What happened outside just now?" Essence asked
"Heaven Frame Emperor and … and … and Taidian have come to us now." Ling Siye explained that the word "Taidian" is especially important.
"What’s the result?" Essence nasty asked
"The light wall is blocking the sky frame, and the emperor is dead. The source of this dreamland is not him." Ling Si said lightly at night, shaking and coaxing the child in his arms, which is really a little like a father.
"Who else can we guess wrong?" Essence frowned and asked
"If you think so much, take care of yourself first. It is estimated that there will be chaos in the palace. You should take a rest first and we will leave later." Ling Siye said.
"I’m so hungry. Can you at least get some more food?" Essence complained.
At this time, the little doll in Lingsi Night’s hand suddenly cried.
This time, it’s okay. It’s not a mountain cry, but it’s a clear and loud cry.
"What’s the matter? Where did I hurt him?" Lingsi night nasty left look right look at the ground.
"He’s hungry. Come here." Su Bai gave him a look and didn’t know how much Ling Si had to learn in the future. It seemed that she had a lot to learn herself.
Lingsi looked aside at night and saw the handmaid and midwife have long since disappeared. Sure enough, this place is just an illusion.
"I’ll go out and find some moms and find a wet nurse by the way," Ling Siye said.
"The wet nurse is my own child or bring it by herself." Essence said seriously.
Ling Si looked at her at night and then at the child before leaving.
It didn’t take long to walk back and said, "Why don’t you sleep for a while and I won’t hurt him?"
"It’s just born. It’s cold outside. You have some common sense!" Essence thoroughly language.
Ling Si night touched the nose and took a look at the child. He also refuted this and was willing to leave.
Essence has long been too tired to have the strength, and they were afraid that Ling Si would worry about seeing him at night, so he put the child in his arms and lay down carefully.
It’s not bad for a little doll to sleep when she’s full.
I don’t know how long it took, but both of them fell asleep and remained silent.
Outside the palace, everything was in chaos because of the death of Emperor Tian Frame, even in the dreamland.
The whole Yunyan Valley Naidong Palace was surrounded by archers and the dead, and was too busy dealing with the funeral.
Ling Si night knows everything in this palace all too well, and all the delicacies in the fire house are moved to the misty valley.
He stole a look at the essence and their mother again and left for Lingxiao Hall. He thought of a person, Gui Mammy, who knows best about sitting on the moon.
Maybe he can change his mind and live in the East Palace for the time being, and the waterway exit will be blocked.
Essence has just recovered from production, and with a little doll, he dare not risk taking them out of the misty valley.
I went there for half a day and held several people hostage like moving things, including Doctor Tai, Mammy Gui, several handmaids and a chef.
Everything and people were found, but two explosive fuses were dismantled in a hurry, and it was noon when we returned to Yunyan Valley.
The most effective way to hold people hostage is poison.
This group of people, Mammy Gui, has long recognized that even if Ling Si is not here at night, she dare not act rashly, let alone be bad for Essence.
Mammy Gui is very experienced, and what she should eat for seven meals a day is clearly explained to her maid and the chef. At this time, she is standing by and teaching Essence how to do it.
Ling Si night carefully pushed the door and saw Mammy Gui holding the child’s heart, but suddenly she was unhappy.
"I’ll hold it," the low voice said, reaching for the child.
"Lord, let’s hug him after he falls asleep for a while, or he will wake up." Mammy Gui is also low.
"I’ll hold him to sleep and won’t cry." Ling Si night is determined to hold the child. How can he and Bai Su child be easily moved by others?
Essence looked at deliberately out of laurel mammy nai gave the child to ling si night, the child really didn’t cry, and still slept soundly.
"See, I told you I wouldn’t cry." Ling Si looked at the essence at night and said this to the essence.
"That you hold it all day, but I’m going to sleep." Essence said lazily and lay down.
Mammy Gui quickly came to cover her quilt and said, "Madam, even if the sleeping child is hungry, there will be a wet nurse!"
"Who will find a destitution? !” Tang Meng is suddenly folded.
"Shh … I want to die … I’ll wake up later!" Lingsi night low is the same harsh tone.
Mammy Gui can’t figure out the temper of these two people, and she can’t guess whether they can shut up and persuade them little.
"I didn’t say that my child didn’t want any wet nurse when he brought his own, and he didn’t want a stepmother," Essence said seriously.
"Didn’t you say that you still have to recognize Lin Ruoxue as a foster mother?" Ling siye asks.
"I don’t want it now, just me!" Essence said
"I’m not afraid of your bones." Ling Si sighed at night.
"Let’s not go this month. Stay here. They can’t get in anyway." Essence said frowning.
"Well, it has long been decided that our child was born in the East." Ling Si smiled at night.
"Hurry up and get a name!" Essence again remind of this thing.
Ling Si night thought for a moment and finally made a concession. "Let’s call Saya first."
"Small night small night is quite nice to listen to" essence this just nodded can temporarily like this, it’s always more than the name.
A big night and a small night also don’t know how this father and mother will make a fuss.
She always has a faint feeling that this child is not easy to take care of!
This whole day, Ling Si night is really holding a small night and can’t do anything. It’s not that he really wants to hold him all the time, but that the child cries as soon as he goes to bed, and it seems that he has been bullied and forced to hold him up again.
"Give me a hug and have a rest. I haven’t eaten a few mouthfuls all day," Essence persuaded.
Ling Siye didn’t seem to hear her words. She looked at Saye tenderly and whispered, "He doesn’t seem as ugly as before."
"Looks like you. You were estimated to be so ugly when you were a child." Essence didn’t good the spirit said that it was too much for a second time even if Lingsi night was too much.