[… Chapter 55 Making enemies with random fists-the text on the net is the fastest to update …]! !

Chapter 56 Real careerist
Chapter 56 Real careerist
Some people concluded that the difference between * * rebellion lies in the former’s theory of whether success had a positive impact on the era and made the social history more progressive, while the latter’s theory of whether success had a negative impact on the era and made the social history retrogress for a short time or a long time.
Many times, whether a society is progressive, retrogressive or stagnant is not analyzed, calculated or judged by history or economists, but social changes may have been imperceptibly determined by the changes at a certain node-whether it is called * * or rebellion is often a fuse …
Before he became the temporary guardian of Berlin, Rogan never had any * * or rebellious thoughts about Adolf Hitler, Blausic, Hess and keitel Frick, or all the grievances and dissatisfaction did not turn into violent manifestations, and even the signs of transformation did not even compete for profits after all the sudden incidents. Although he waved some relatively important things, he was mostly "passive". Now he has become a leader of change, and the dazzling contribution of leading the army to drive away unconstitutional forces has made him a "one".
Even more, Rogan didn’t think that it was his letter "Berlin has returned to the arms of the army and the people" that made Berlin, which had been silent for many days, look like a stimulant-thousands of residents walked down the street with barrels and torches locked for many days. They were cheering for themselves. They were warmly celebrating their efforts to "recapture" all the officers and men in their respective ways. They shouted long live the Constitution and democracy.
In front of the Reich Chancellery, Logan looked at the scene in amazement. Although it was already late at night, the celebrants still flocked through William Street and looked north at the Brandenburg Gate, which also became a gathering place for people.
"I can hardly believe all this. It’s amazing."
Adolf Garland, who still carries a gun, has just washed his military cap in his armpit and combed it neatly. It looks as if he is going to attend an important banquet. In fact, he was too nervous and restrained in the process of occupying Berlin, and his head was messed up by sweat and dust. Only then did he temporarily enjoy a high-end bathing equipment in the VIP room of the Reich Chancellery.
Looking at the crowds in the street and the soldiers on duty in front of the imperial prime minister’s office, Logan threw away the past and joined the celebration seriously. He felt his beard for more than three months and said with emotion, "Did I taste it again?"
Going to Logan’s side, Adolf Garland watched Berlin all night and speculated, "I’m thinking that what people really fear and hate is not the * * rule, but the SS, the Gestapo and the Zhongying, which are the oppressive atmosphere brought by these violent institutions."
"Maybe you’re right," Logan nodded. "People are willing to accept a democratic government instead of a government that may bring them great honor and disaster at the same time, but maybe they don’t think so far. They don’t believe that Hess, keitel and Frick can lead the country and the army well. Maybe … they know that the army will enter Berlin sooner or later, and they are afraid that the war will destroy their homes. Now this relatively peaceful way is very ideal."
"But maybe they are happy because a hero who can lead Germany to the top is not a group of weak, rigid and capable politicians who control their fate." This vicissitudes of life sounds strange and familiar from the side. Logan and Garland turned their heads and saw Joseph Dietrich personally coming with an old man in a suit-he looked so old and weak that Dietrich could easily win the escort without even bringing a guard.
"This joke is a bit big," Logan looked at the newcomer. "Isn’t this the new Prime Minister William Frick Pavilion? Why didn’t you evacuate with the temporary national yuan? "
"Do you think this is a joke?" Frick’s tone seems calm and peaceful, but his address to Logan changed from "you" to "you" a long time ago.
"We found him in the superior suite of Kaiserhoff Hotel, just across the street," Dietrich said and pointed in the opposite direction.
"Yes, I was there all the time." Frick sounded sad as if he were a VIP rather than a prisoner.
Rogan was surprised by the unexpected appearance of the prospective father-in-law, but still responded positively, "History has proved that individual will cannot override the country and the nation."
"That’s true, but heroes don’t appear only in * * * *. Maybe you should go to the people and listen to whose name they are calling." Frick stopped at a step lower than Logan. Although he is not short, he still has to keep a 45-degree look-up posture when talking to Logan face to face.
After hearing this, Logan had an impulse to secretly rejoice in his heart, and his thoughts once surged in his mind, but soon he calmed down and said to Frick, "The people just regard me as a hero to liberate the city and a representative of the army instead of saving the country and the nation."
"Hey," Frick sneered, "a certain degree of modesty is a good thing, but being too modest is stupid and cowardly, General Dietrich, right?"
Dietrich glanced at the boastful old man beside him. "Would you be so easily tempted by you?"
"bewitch? Hey, hey, "Frick continued to sneer." I can leave with Hess and keitel, but I changed my mind at the last minute when I learned that the army entering Berlin was under the command of Marshal Logan. After many years of experience, I dare say that the eye is the best opportunity or perhaps the only opportunity in Marshal Logan’s life. "
Logan looked at Dietrich in silence for a moment and said, "I remember that I suffered the biggest disaster in my life in Monk in the early summer of a year ago. In front of the surging allied soldiers, I felt that my personal strength was slim and I regarded the general as my idol. Although I was blessed by fate in the subsequent war years, I still felt that my experience was simple and my ability was lacking."
In the dim light, Logan vaguely saw Dietrich’s pride. The former SS general and armored general who was transferred to the National Defence Force, and Hess personally appointed the Berlin garrison commander, made an "unexpected" choice at the turning point of history-on the one hand, he had a deep friendship with his comrades, and on the other hand, he had a bloody belief that most people would choose the latter, but Dietrich did not.
At this juncture, Frick interjected, "You have passed your idol at this time a year ago … In fact, I have carefully studied every battle commanded by you, which is decisive, bold and meticulous. You are a military talent that has been rare for many years, and you may be called a genius … Your remarks on war strategy and military strategy are my real weakness."
"It’s all whimsy. It’s often laughed at by generals on weekdays. Now it’s an advantage?" Logan has a lot of fans, but I’m afraid he can’t be second to Frick.
"In the eyes of mediocrity, only a fool can have a genius idea." Frick’s words sounded very comfortable. He analyzed that "if you hadn’t tried your best to promote the’ Sea Lion Project’, we might still be in a two-front war situation; If it weren’t for your shrinking defense strategy, we might incur greater losses at the beginning of this war; If your plan of developing heavy bombers has not been shelved, the attack on the hinterland of Soviet Russia will be much smoother now; And your ideas on Nordic strategy and Mediterranean strategy, many details are evolving step by step, and all this makes me deeply impressed. "
Although these analyses are objective, Logan knows very well that he doesn’t have much to be proud of. After all, a large part of the so-called strategic vision is based on knowledge and thinking that is decades ahead. Anyone who has studied World War II knows that Churchill was stubborn in Britain, Stalin was tenacious in the Soviet Union, Roosevelt was weak in Italy, and Japan was arrogant and stupid. It is not difficult to make some logical thinking judgments based on these objective understandings.
At this time, on the other side of Logan, the hero Garland suddenly said, "In the center of the country and the nation, I think we really should be bigger."
Logan’s heart was shocked, and his mouth was dilated by sudden psychological changes-fortunately, these nuances were well concealed in the night.
Garland added, "We might as well listen to Mr. Frick’s suggestions."
Frick’s face didn’t look smug. He trembled and said, "We can seize the opportunity to launch a * * campaign aimed at overthrowing * * old-fashioned ideas. The purpose of this campaign is by no means the army or generals, but the constitution squeezes out a government that is truly spoken by the people. This kind of speech is manifested in both political diplomacy and military affairs."
Despite his aversion to politics, Logan calmly thought about what Frick said for several times and then retorted, "It is conceivable that military generals will think that this kind of * * is depriving them of control over the army, which will inevitably lead to their dissatisfaction and even the use of force to resist it. I would rather stay in my present position forever and never become a national and ethnic sinner."